Are you always up-to-date with the latest fashion trends? Do you like to follow celebrities and copy their style? If so, you are not alone. Most people are influenced by psychological factors when making purchase decisions. 

The psychological model in consumer behaviour is a model that attempts to explain how these psychological factors affect consumer decision-making. 

In this article, we will see everything related to the psychological processes of consumers and the analysis of their behaviour in marketing. I will also be going to tell you about them and how they are the basis that supports marketing and consumer psychology.

What is Consumer Psychology?

Consumer psychology is the study of consumers’ behaviour and mental structures to know their attitudes, motivations, beliefs and values.

The information on these elements on the mental processes of the consumer is very useful for decision making.

Keep in mind that this does not only apply to big brands like Coca-Cola, but it has progressed in such a way that there are elements of consumer psychology in any Facebook or Instagram post.

How does the psychological model in consumer behaviour affect marketing?

If you know the psychological models that are relevant to consumer behaviour, you can more effectively market your products or services. These models help explain how people think, feel, and behave when making purchase decisions.

One important psychological model is the Consumer Decision-Making Process. This model outlines the steps that people take when making a purchase. Understanding this process can help you more effectively market your products or services.

What are the Psychological Models in Consumer Behaviour?

A few psychological models in consumer behaviour help explain consumer behaviour. These include the following:

  • Theories of personality and individual differences
  • Social psychology theories
  • Cognitive psychology theories
  • Psychoanalytic theories
  1. Theories of personality and individual differences: hese theories suggest that consumer behaviour results from personality traits and individual differences. Some of the most popular theories in this category include the Big Five personality model, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and the DISC theory.
  2. Social psychology theories: These theories suggest that consumer behaviour is influenced by social factors such as family, friends, and culture. Some of the most popular theories in this category include Social Cognitive Theory, the Theory of Planned Behaviour, and the Norm Activation Theory.
  3. Cognitive psychology theories: These theories suggest that consumer behaviour is influenced by cognitive factors such as information processing, perception, and memory. Some of the most popular theories in this category include the Elaboration Likelihood Model, the Heuristic-Systematic Model, and the Cognitive Dissonance Theory.
  4. Psychoanalytic theories: These theories suggest that unconscious motives and drives influence consumer behaviour. Some of the most popular theories in this category include the Perceived Risk Theory of Consumer Behaviour and the Psychoanalytic Theory of Consumer Behaviour.

Each of these models offers a different perspective on why people behave like they do when purchasing decisions. Theories of personality and individual differences focus on the individual’s unique characteristics, such as their values, beliefs, and attitudes.

What are the Steps of the Psychological Model In Consumer Behaviour? 

There are five steps in the model: 

  1. Need recognition: The first step in the process is when the consumer realises they need a product or service. A problem or a desire can trigger this need.
  2. Information search: Once the need is recognized, the consumer will start to search for information about products or services that can solve their problem or satisfy their desire.
  3. Evaluation of alternatives: The next step is when the consumer evaluates the different options available to them. They will consider factors like price, quality, and convenience.  Once they have evaluated their options, they will choose the product or service they believe best suits their needs.
  4. Purchase decision: The purchase decision is when the consumer decides which product or service to buy. This stage comes after the consumer has weighed the pros and cons of their options.
  5. Post-purchase behaviour: The final step in the process is when the consumer uses and evaluates the product or service. They may also tell others about their experience.

If you understand the psychological model in consumer behaviour, you can market your products or services more effectively to consumers. By understanding the steps in the decision-making process, you can create marketing messages that target each stage. You can also create a better overall customer experience by understanding consumers’ wants and needs.

What are the Benefits of the Psychological Model in Consumer Behaviour?

The benefits of the psychological model in consumer behaviour are vast. Some of the major benefits are as follows:

  1. Helps in understanding consumer behaviour: The psychological model helps researchers and marketing professionals to understand why consumers behave the way they do. It also helps predict consumer behaviour, which is essential for effective marketing.
  2. Helps in designing effective marketing strategies: By understanding the psychological factors influencing consumer behaviour, marketers can design more effective marketing strategies. For example, they can use advertising and product placement techniques to target the right consumers.
  3.  Helps in understanding consumer needs and wants: The psychological model can help marketers understand consumers’ needs and wants. This is essential for designing products and services that meet the needs of consumers.
  4. Helps in improving customer satisfaction: By understanding the psychological factors that influence customer satisfaction, marketers can take steps to improve it. This, in turn, can help businesses retain customers and attract new ones.
  5. Helps in enhancing brand equity: By understanding the psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour, marketers can take steps to enhance the equity of their brands. This can help businesses to build a strong and loyal customer base.

The psychological model in consumer behaviour is a powerful tool that can be used to understand and predict consumer behaviour. It can also be used to design effective marketing strategies. 

However, it is important to note that the model is not a panacea for all marketing problems. It should be used in conjunction with other models of consumer behaviour to understand it comprehensively.


The psychological model in consumer behaviour is constantly changing, so businesses must keep up with the latest trends to ensure they meet customer needs. The psychological model is useful for businesses to understand how consumers make decisions. By understanding the different stages of the model, businesses can tailor their marketing and sales strategies to match customer needs. 

One should remember that the model is not always linear and that consumers may move back and forth between stages as they make their decisions. These days, businesses need to be flexible and adaptable to survive in the ever-changing marketplace because one size does not fit all when it comes to consumer behaviour.

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