Marketing Concepts

Gen Z Consumer Behaviour on Buying

Gen Z Consumer Behaviour on Buying is a topic that has been widely researched in recent years. This is because Generation Z is the first digitally native generation, and they have grown up with technology at their fingertips. That suggests Gen Z are used to getting what they want when they want it and expect the same from brands.

Knowing what Gen Z’ers want and how they like to shop is essential for any brand that wants to stay relevant and appeal to this demographic. In this article, we will discuss who Gen Z’ers are, their buying behaviours, and how brands can appeal to them.

Who is Generation Z?

Generation Z is the generation that was born between 1996 and 2012. This makes them between 10 and 24 years old. They are also known as iGen, Gen Tech, or Centennials. There are approximately 2.6 billion Gen Z’ers worldwide, and they make up a third of the global population.

Generation Z is the most diverse and largest generation in history. They are also the first truly global generation, as they have grown up with technology that has connected them to the world.

Let’s see some data and characteristics of Generation Z:

  • 9 out of 10 young people from Generation Z use the internet. 81% do it from mobile, 69% from laptops, and 42% from tablets.
  • They handle up to five screens well. They are familiar with the devices; they learn to handle them from a very young age.
  • They are frequent users of social networks. And they know how to take advantage of each of them.
  • It is a very visual generation. That is why it is not surprising that Gen Z uses the most platforms YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat.
  • They are big consumers of products and content related to technology. They are waiting for what is to come.
  • They feel comfortable with online purchases but also like to make them in physical stores because of the immediacy.
  • They are entrepreneurs. 72% of them hope to have their own business.
  • They are the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) generation. And if they don’t know something, they search for it on Google.

How Gen Z Consumer Behaviour on Buying Affects Brands

Generation Z is a very demanding generation of consumers. They have high expectations of brands and are not afraid to switch brands if they are unsatisfied.

Brands need to be on top of their game and always deliver the best possible product or service. They also need to keep up with the latest trends and technologies, as Gen Z’ers are always looking for something new.

Some of the ways that Gen Z consumer behaviour in buying affects brands are:

  • Brands need to be available online and offline.
  • Brands need to be able to meet the needs of Gen Z’ers instantly.
  • Brands need to be able to keep up with the latest trends.
  • Brands need to be able to provide a personalised experience.
  • Brands need to be able to connect with Gen Z’ers on a human level.

To appeal to Gen Z’ers, brands need to be able to meet all of these expectations. Some may seem like a tall order, but brands need to understand what Gen Z’ers want and how they like to shop to stay relevant.

What are the buying behaviours of Generation Z?

Now you know who Generation Z is and how their buying behaviours can affect brands. But what are those behaviours? Let’s take a look. Below are some of the most notable Generation Z buying behaviours:

  1. They are impulsive shoppers: According to a report by Business Insider, 60% of Gen Z’ers said they make “impulse” purchases. This means they are more likely to buy something on the spot without thinking it through first.
  2. They are brand-loyal: The buying behaviour of being brand-loyal is not new. But what is new is that Gen Z’ers are more likely to be brand-loyal than any other generation.
  3. They are price sensitive: Gen Z’ers are very price-sensitive, and they know it. This is because they are a generation that is most likely to compare shops. 72% of Gen Z’ers said they always compare prices before purchasing.
  4. Their peers influence them: Peers greatly influence Gen Z buying behaviours. 84% of Gen Z’ers said their friends significantly impact the brands they purchase.
  5. Social media influences them: Social media is a big influence on Generation Z. In fact, over half of Gen Z’ers said that social media has a “somewhat” or “very” significant impact on the brands they purchase from.
  6. They like to purchase unique items: Gen Z’ers like to purchase unique items that are different from the norm. This is likely because they are the most diverse generation.
  7. They are interested in sustainability: Having grown up during a time of climate change, Gen Z’ers are more interested in sustainability than any other generation. This means they are more likely to purchase from sustainable and environmentally friendly brands.
  8. They are experience seekers: Gen Z’ers are not interested in purchasing things. They are interested in purchasing experiences. This is why brands like Airbnb and Uber have been so successful with this generation.
  9. They are tech-savvy: Gen Z’ers are the most tech-savvy generation. They grew up with technology, and they know how to use it. This is why tech-savvy brands with a strong online presence are more likely to succeed with this generation.
  10. They are DIYers: Gen Z’ers are not interested in purchasing things they can’t use or don’t need. This is why DIY and subscription services are so popular with this generation.

These are just some of the most notable buying behaviours of Generation Z., But there are many more things that brands need to know about this generation to succeed. In today’s rapidly changing world, it is more important than ever for brands to stay up-to-date with the latest generational trends.


As you can see, Generation Z has a lot of different buying behaviours that can be both good and bad for brands. It is important to understand these behaviours to market to them effectively. 

Many brands are still trying to figure out how to reach this generation best. But with the right strategy, your brand can succeed with Generation Z.

What do you think of these buying behaviours? Do you think they are accurate? Let us know in the comments below!


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