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Six Excellent Case Studies About Branding

Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business. It can help to create a unique selling proposition (USP), set your company apart from the competition, and attract new customers. In this article, we will look at six excellent case studies and learn how they have applied branding principles to achieve their desired outcomes.

Case studies about branding – Brand Identities

One of the most important aspects of branding is creating a unique identity for your company. This can be done through your logo, colours, and other elements of your brand. Some examples of branding identities include Nike, Apple, Tesla, Starbucks, Harley Davidson, and Amazon.

Here are some examples of successful case studies about branding:


Tesla has built a reputation for being one of the most innovative and cutting-edge carmakers in the world. Their cars are known for sleek design and futuristic technology. This reputation has made Tesla a popular choice among luxury car buyers.

However, branding is not simply about making products look good; it is also about creating a connection with customers. Tesla has done an excellent job of creating this connection by using its unique brand strategy.

One of the ways Tesla has created this connection is through its mission statement. The mission statement says that Tesla’s purpose is to “ensure that all people have access to the safest, most sustainable, and most efficient transportation options possible.” This message is communicated through the company’s products and marketing campaigns.

Tesla has also connected with its customers through its CEO, Elon Musk. Musk is known for his outspokenness and his commitment to innovation. He frequently communicates ideas and thoughts about Tesla on social media, which helps to connect with customers on a personal level.

Overall, Tesla’s branding strategy is well executed and contributes to its success as a company.


Starbucks is a well-known coffee chain with over 22,000 stores around the world. The innovative company is often credited with popularizing the idea of “third place” – a place between home and work.

In 1971, Starbucks created its first brand marketing campaign, called “Give Good Coffee Away for Just Ten Cents a Pound.” The goal of the campaign was to increase coffee sales by convincing people to break the habit of buying pre-packaged coffee. In addition, it introduced the term “Frappuccino” to the public.

In 1985, Starbucks created its second brand marketing campaign, called “Believe” aiming to increase coffee sales by building brand awareness. It also introduced the term “Latte” to people.

In 1998, Starbucks created its third brand marketing campaign, called “Say Hello to My Little Friend” intending to increase customer loyalty and introduce the term “Caffè Latte” to the masses.

Today, Starbucks continues to be a leader in brand marketing. It launched its “Brewed to Last” campaign in 2017, aimed at increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. It focuses on sustainability and quality and involves using reusable cups and food packaging made of recycled materials.


One of the most important things that a business can do is to establish and communicate its values to its customers. Apple has done an excellent job of doing this over the years.

One of the values that Apple consistently communicates to its customers is quality. This value is evident in everything from the products that it makes to the way it handles customer complaints. For example, Apple responds to customer complaints in a timely and effective manner. This ensures that customers have a positive experience when dealing with the company.

Another important value that Apple communicates to its customers is creativity. This value is observed in everything from how the products are designed to how they are made. For example, some of the most iconic products in history, such as the iPhone and iPad, were created by Apple’s designers. They put a lot of creativity into making these products and have been successful in because of this.

Overall, Apple has established and communicated several values to its customers over the years. These values have made them one of the most successful brands in history.


When it comes to branding, positioning is key. This is especially true for companies like Amazon, which has become one of the most wellknown brands in the world.

One of the ways that Amazon has positioned itself as a leading brand is by focusing on its customer service and this is why Amazon is often praised.

Another way that Amazon has positioned itself as a leading brand is through its unique products. For example, when it came to books, Amazon was one of the first companies to introduce ebooks. Now, it’s one of the biggest sellers of ebooks.

In addition, Amazon has been able to position itself as a leader in other areas, such as home goods and electronics. It is doing this by offering great deals and quality products.

Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson is the founder and president of the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. He is also one of the most respected motorcycle experts in the world.

In 1976, Harley-Davidson faced a major crisis. Sales were down, and it seemed that the company was in trouble. However, HarleyDavidson turned things around by changing its marketing strategy.

One of the key changes that Harley-Davidson made was to shift its focus away from macho biker culture and more towards a personalitybased marketing approach. This change in marketing strategy was based on research that showed that buyers were more likely to buy products that they associated with positive personalities.

The results of this change were amazing. Sales soared, and the company became one of the most successful motorcycle brands in the world. Today, Harley-Davidson is one of the leading manufacturers of motorcycles in the world, and its reputation for quality and safety is unrivalled.


Nike has a famous tagline, “Just Do It.” This tagline is used to promote Nike products and encourage people to work hard.

In 2006, Nike decided to use the tagline on a different level. They created a brand campaign called “The Message.” The goal of this campaign was to promote peace and unity through sport.

The campaign featured Olympic athletes from around the world. They shared their stories and showed how sports can bring people together.

This campaign was an enormous success. It won several awards, including an Emmy Award for Outstanding Commercial. Nike’s goal was not only to sell shoes but also to promote human values.


Branding can be a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. By creating a cohesive and memorable brand, businesses can attract new customers, boost sales, and increase profits. In this roundup of excellent case studies about branding, you learned about some of the most successful brands in the world and how they achieved their success. From Nike to Amazon to Starbucks, these examples show you how to create a strong brand that stands out from the competition.


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