Marketing Concepts

What is The Self-Image Concept In Consumer Behaviour?

When studying the motivations of consumption, it is inevitable to go deeper and deeper into the group of individuals that make up our market. With this, we intend to discover more precisely how to satisfy their needs, but we run into a complex term to address: self-concept.

If we have reached it, we will likely apply psychoanalytic theories in our business management, even without knowing it. To manage the self-concept as a marketing tool, we must pay attention to its nature.

What is The Self-Image Concept In Consumer Behaviour?

The self-image is the mental representation we have of ourselves. It is what we believe, feel and think about ourselves. This concept is important in marketing as it will condition how we relate to certain products.

In general, we can say that the self-reflected consumer behaviour is made up of two dimensions:

  • The ideal self: It is what we would like to be or have. It is based on our aspirations and dreams.
  • The real self: It is what we are, considering our physical and psychological characteristics.

How the self-image is formed will mark how we relate to the world and, consequently, the type of product we will choose.

Different models explain how the self-image is built, but the one most used in marketing is the looking-glass self, proposed by Charles Horton Cooley in 1902.

This model is based on the idea that we create our self-image based on how we believe others see us. In other words, our self-image results from the image that others have of us.

How is self-image used in marketing?

Now that we know more about self-image let’s see how it is used in marketing.

In general, companies use the self-image to create a need in the consumer that did not previously exist. For this, they use what is known as the marketing of desires.

The marketing of desires consists of using the self-image to make the consumer believe that he needs a product to improve his life, even if he did not previously consider it.

An example of this would be a Perfume ad in which a very attractive man or woman appears. In it, we see them using the product, looking happy, and having a great time.

This type of ad is designed to make us believe that if we use that Perfume, we will be like that person: attractive, popular, and with an enviable life.

In this way, the company managing the ad is using our self-image to create a desire in us that did not previously exist.

The self-image is also used to segment the market. In other words, it is used to group people with similar characteristics together so that they can be offered products that fit their needs.

For example, a company that sells sports clothing may segment its market according to the self-image of its consumers. In this way, there could have a segment of consumers who see themselves as athletes and another of consumers who see themselves as people who go to the gym to stay in shape.

What are the Four Types Of Self Image In Consumer Behaviour?

Do you know what the four types of self-image are in consumer behaviour? Keep reading to find out!

Now that we know what self-image is and how it is used in marketing let’s see the four types of self-image in consumer behaviour.

1. The achievement-oriented self-image: This type of self-image is characterised by the need to feel competent. People with this type of self-image need to feel that they are doing things well and achieving their goals.

They are usually very competitive and always want to be the best. They are also very perfectionists and have high standards.

2. The affiliative self-image: This type of self-image is characterised by the need to feel loved and accepted. People with this self-image need to feel that they belong to a group or community.

They are usually very friendly and outgoing. They are also very caring and compassionate.

3. The self-image of power: This type of self-image is characterised by the need to feel powerful and in control. People with this type of self-image need to feel they are in charge.

They are usually very ambitious and driven. They are also very confident and assertive.

4. The self-image of status: This type of self-image is characterised by the need to feel respected and valued. People with this type of self-image need to feel important and that their opinions matter.

They are usually very proud and have a lot of self-respect. They are also very respected by others.

Things to remember when using the self-image in marketing

When using self-image in marketing, there are some things you should keep in mind to make sure your campaign is effective.

  • First, you must ensure that the image you use in your campaign is realistic. In other words, it should be something the consumer can achieve. If you use an unattainable image, you will only end up frustrating the consumer.
  • Second, you must ensure that the image you use is relevant to the product you are trying to sell. If the image has nothing to do with the product, the consumer will not be able to make the connection, and your campaign will not be effective.
  • Third, you need to ensure that your image is positive. The self-image is a very powerful tool, but it can also be a very delicate one. If you use a negative image, you may end up damaging the consumer’s self-image, and your campaign will not be effective.
  • Fourth, you need to make sure you use the self-image in a way that is respectful of the consumer. The self-image is a very personal thing, and you should not use it in a way that is exploitative or offensive.

If you keep these things in mind, you will be able to use the self-image in marketing in a way that is effective and respectful of the consumer.


Now that you know the four types of self-image in consumer behaviour, you can start using this information to segment your market and create more targeted marketing campaigns. The self-image is important in consumer behaviour as it helps identify how individuals perceive themselves.

This perception then drives the consumers’ decision-making process regarding what products or services they will purchase. Understanding the four types of self-image can help businesses segment their target market and create more effective marketing campaigns.


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