Marketing Softwares

5 free mobile analytics tools, you must know.

Mobile analytics tools play a crucial role in digital transformation initiatives as it enables businesses to make faster, better-informed decisions that drive growth and profitability. Mobile analytics tools allow organizations to intelligently integrate strategic data assets to gain actionable insights with agility and innovation. In short, mobile analytics tools represent the link between decision-making and action, connecting the two in a way that helps businesses drive meaningful change and achieve their goals. This blog explores various free mobile analytics tools you can use for your business. 

Mobile Analytics Tools: A Quick Explainer

Mobile analytics tools are software platforms that help businesses and app developers track and analyze user behaviour and engagement within mobile apps. These tools provide insights on key metrics such as: 

  • App usage
  • User acquisition and retention
  • In-app purchases
  • Revenue generation
  • App performance
  • User trends and preferences

Let’s take an in-depth look at some of the popular and open-source mobile analytics tools businesses can use for free.

X Free Mobile Analytics Tools For Businesses

Some popular mobile analytics tools include Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Flurry Analytics, Mobile App Analytics, and App Annie. These tools are available for Android and iOS platforms and can be easily integrated into mobile apps.

1. Google Analytics

This popular web analytics service can also track mobile app usage. It provides detailed insights into user behaviour, acquisition, and retention. It is the most widely used web analytics service on the internet and is available to anyone with a Google account.

Google Analytics can be used to track a variety of metrics, such as:

  • Pageviews: The number of times a page on your website has been viewed.
  • Unique visitors: The number of unique individuals who have visited your website.
  • Bounce rate: The percentage of visitors who leave your website after viewing only one page.
  • Average session duration: The average time visitors spend on your website.
  • Traffic sources: The sources of traffic to your websites, such as search engines, social media, or referral sites.

Google Analytics also provides a range of advanced features, including event tracking, e-commerce tracking, and custom dimensions and metrics. It is easy to set up and use and can be integrated with other Google services such as AdWords and Google Search Console.

2. Mixpanel

This powerful analytics platform helps you track and understand user behaviour through real-time insights and custom reports. It allows you to track user actions, understand user retention, and analyze the performance of your app or website.

Some key features of Mixpanel include:

  • Funnel analysis: You can track user progress through specific steps or actions in your app or website.
  • Cohort analysis: This allows you to analyze and compare the behaviour of different groups of users over time.
  • User profiles: This lets you see a detailed view of each user’s actions and interactions with your app or website.
  • Push notifications: Mixpanel allows you to send targeted push notifications to your users based on their behaviour and actions within your app or website.
  • Integrations: Mixpanel can integrate various tools and services, including CRM systems, email marketing platforms, and ad networks.

Many businesses and organizations, including Airbnb, eBay, and Uber, use Mixpanel. It offers both a free and paid version, with the paid version providing access to additional features and capabilities.

3. Flurry Analytics

Flurry analytics provides insights into app usage, user engagement, and monetization. It offers a range of features, including user segmentation, event tracking, and conversion funnel analysis.

Some key features of Flurry include:

  • User tracking: Flurry allows you to track user behaviour within your app, including the specific actions and events users perform.
  • Demographic analysis: Flurry provides detailed demographic data on your users, including age, gender, location, and device type.
  • App performance monitoring: Flurry allows you to monitor your app’s performance, including crash rates and app loading times.
  • Advertising analytics: Flurry provides insights into the effectiveness of your in-app advertising, including ad impressions and clicks.
  • Integration with other tools: Flurry can integrate various tools and services, including ad networks, CRM systems, and email marketing platforms.

Many businesses and organizations use Flurry, including eBay, Yahoo, and Zynga. It is a free service, with the option to upgrade to a paid version to access additional features and capabilities.

4. Fabric

Fabric is a mobile analytics and development platform provided by Google that allows you to track the performance and usage of your mobile app. It provides features such as crash reporting, user tracking, and event tracking, as well as app development and testing tools. Some key features of Fabric include:

  • Crashlytics: This is a crash reporting tool that allows you to identify and fix issues in your app that may cause it to crash.
  • Answers: This event-tracking tool allows you to track specific actions and events within your apps, such as in-app purchases or button clicks.
  • Beta by Crashlytics: This is a tool for distributing beta versions of your app to testers and gathering feedback.
  • Fastlane: This is a tool for automating your app’s build and release process, allowing you to focus on development and testing.
  • Digits: This is a tool for adding phone number-based authentication to your app.

Fabric is a free service and can be easily integrated into your app using its SDK (Software Development Kit). Many businesses and organizations use it, including eBay, Square, and Twitter.

5. App Annie

App Annie is a mobile analytics and market intelligence platform that provides insights into the performance and usage of mobile apps. It allows you to track app store rankings, analyze user reviews, and monitor app performance. Some key features of App Annie include:

  • App store rankings: App Annie provides real-time data on app store rankings, allowing you to track the popularity and visibility of your app.
  • User reviews: App Annie allows you to analyze user reviews and ratings for your app, providing insights into areas for improvement and areas of success.
  • App performance: App Annie provides data on key metrics such as active users, session length, and retention rate, allowing you to monitor the performance of your app over time.
  • Advertising analytics: App Annie provides data on the effectiveness of your in-app advertising, including ad impressions and clicks.
  • Market intelligence: App Annie provides data on market trends and competitors, allowing you to understand the broader mobile app market and make informed decisions.

Many businesses and organizations, including eBay, Nike, and Starbucks, use App Annie.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, mobile analytics tools are essential for businesses and provide valuable insights on key metrics such as app usage, user acquisition and retention, in-app purchases, and revenue generation. Mobile analytics tools are a must-have in every marketing team’s arsenal. It helps businesses and app developers optimize app performance, identify user trends and preferences, and make data-driven decisions to improve the user experience and drive business growth.


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